29 Success Tips to Accomplish Your Goals And Define Your Own Path (2024)

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Success tip: create your own definition

15 rapid-fire success tips for life

7 success tips for your career

7 success tips for your personal life

Don’t forget your mental health

The bottom line

We all have goals — objectives that we want to achieve in the office, in our romantic lives, or at the gym. Maybe you’re striving towards a promotion, or simply want to dedicate more time to self-care. Either way, we can all agree that achieving success can be tough at times.

It’s also hard to focus on all your goals at once. Think of it this way: you’re a watering can, and you must water multiple plants. Each plant is a different aspect of your life. They're all important. The water is the time and energy you devote to growing them.

Once you’re empty, you have to replenish with rest and relaxation. You could water all your plants at once. But if you do this, each will grow more slowly by the time you need to rest. And if you prioritize just one, you may have to sacrifice growth in other areas of your life.

This is why success tips are so important. Sometimes, you need a little extra advice to help you prioritize the right goals and stay focused.

We've rounded up some of our favorite tips: they're doable and make a difference. The tips below offer straightforward advice to get started. They can help you move forward and achieve your goals, without sacrificing your growth.

Success tip: create your own definition

First things first: Take a deep breath. Find some quiet time to practice reconnecting with yourself. Building your self-awareness is foundational for setting goals that matter to you and setting yourself up to achieve them.

Grab a pen and paper (or open a new doc on your computer), and prepare to brainstorm what success means to you.

Start with your passions. Try to remember those moments where you felt inspired. Maybe you were lost in a hobby, were making crafts with your kids, or took the lead on a project at work. List them quickly, without overthinking and without judgement. This will give you a sense of where you find energy. Doing something that you love for work will help you feel like you’re already succeeding.

Imagine where these pieces fit in your life. Maybe you need a job with a better work-life balance, or perhaps you’re thinking about starting a family. Visualize what your day-to-day could look like when you prioritize different goals.

You might love multiple things, and that’s okay. Focusing on one area doesn’t mean neglecting another. But if you can’t strike the right balance, you might have to take turns between priorities. For example, many young people choose to travel the world before committing to a university degree or career so they can focus on each.

Assess your current situation. Think about where you are now and where you’d like to be. Maybe you need a flexible job or to be your own boss. You may even choose to stop working altogether. There’s no correct answer here — only what’s right for you.

Have a plan. Now lay out the steps to achieve your goal. You might need new skills to land a dream job, or you may need to pay off your house before quitting altogether. And if you’re married or have a partner, how do they fit into your plan?

You don’t have to do this alone. If you need extra support, consider trying out BetterUp. You can review your skills, life goals, and make an actionable plan to achieve your dreams.

15 rapid-fire success tips for life

These tips can apply to your personal life, career, relationships — anything. Keep them in mind as you plot your road to true success.

  1. Be observant about what you like and don’t like as well as your strengths and weaknesses
  2. Don’t be afraid to be different from your family and friends
  3. Keep a journal or a diary to process your thoughts and feelings
  4. Watch 80 percent less TV — you can use all that extra time for your goals
  5. Be kind and courteous to everyone
  6. Be intentional with your money and learn how to manage it
  7. Always be patient
  8. Celebrate and appreciate others
  9. Challenge the status quo (when it needs challenging)
  10. Be a problem solver, not a complainer
  11. Let your imagination fly
  12. Do more with less
  13. Meditate — you’ll be amazed by the change it can make in your life
  14. Get used to being uncomfortable
  15. Don’t take anything for granted — always be grateful

29 Success Tips to Accomplish Your Goals And Define Your Own Path (3)

7 success tips for your career

If your career is a major priority, there’s no shortage of wisdom on how to be successful. Here are success tips for entrepreneurs and employees alike.

1. Begin at the beginning

This might sound silly, but you need to put your ego aside and start with small milestones. You might feel like you deserve that managerial role, but it’ll take time to prove it. Take it one step at a time, build your skills, and keep the right mindset while you’re completing the early, menial tasks.

This strategy can also alleviate some anxiety. Career goal-setting is exciting but scary. For now, you only have to worry about the step that’s in front of you.

2. Practice perseverance

There will be hiccups along the way, so don’t give up. Take a step back, evaluate where you went wrong, and improve on your weaknesses. Your hard work will pay off.

3. Avoid procrastination

Take control of your schedule. Successful people complete tasks on time. That means cutting out things like social media and extra TV. Many, many studies show that social media is linked to procrastination, so cutting down on this is a great tip for success.

You may need to wake up early if that's what it takes to avoid distractions.

29 Success Tips to Accomplish Your Goals And Define Your Own Path (4)

4. “No” is a complete sentence

Many people overwork themselves to seem like better employees. But, in reality, this only works against them. They’re more tired and more likely to make mistakes. Be mindful of your capacity. Perform your current tasks well before taking on more work.

5. Declutter your workspace

While you’re at it, close all those tabs in your web browser. Your space is an extension of your mind. If it’s too crowded, you’re less likely to perform at your best.

This is also a great working-from-home success tip. Cleaning your desk at the end of the day will reset your space and mind for tomorrow.

6. Do a little every day

Big goals take time. Break them down into small parts and complete one daily task. Even the most minor bits of progress add up.

7. Frequently revisit the plan

Situations change, and that’s okay. Just make sure to revisit your career plan and adjust accordingly. You may want to add some steps, change your timelines, or set completely new goals.

7 success tips for your personal life

Of course, work isn’t everything. Here are some additional tips for a successful life.

1. Find the balance that works for today

Work and life are both demanding. Figure out what you need to do to de-stress. Regularly include time in your schedule tobuild skills to manage stress and keep checking in on whether the balance feels healthy for you.

For example, if you’re an introvert, you might need alone time in the evenings. Extroverts, on the other hand, may unwind better with friends. You might need a mix of both or something completely different. Find your thing, and don’t let it fall by the wayside.

29 Success Tips to Accomplish Your Goals And Define Your Own Path (5)

2. Focus on positive relationships

There are two types of people in the world: those who give you energy and those who take it away.

Make time for the people that fill you up. These are the folks who make you laugh, who are there when you need them, and with whom you can be yourself. Toxic people will only hurt your self-confidence and self-esteem.

3. Be brave

Following your heart can be tough, especially when it feels like the world doesn’t want you to. It takes bravery to step out of your comfort zone and live your best life. Don’t be afraid to believe in yourself. Research even shows that courage in the workplace can help you perform better and help your company, too.

4. Never stop learning

Keep an eye out for life’s many lessons. Usually, these lessons present themselves through what seems like a failure. But they’re also present in moments of joy, peace, and self-reflection. These lessons will help you on your path to success.

5. Have fun

Living is hard enough without carrying the world on your shoulders. Let go of the things you can’t control, and have fun doing the things you love.

29 Success Tips to Accomplish Your Goals And Define Your Own Path (6)

6. Practice optimism

It’s okay to feel sad when things don’t go your way. But don’t let it linger. Remember that the future is full of potential and that there are many things to be hopeful about. This reminder to have a positive mindset is one success tip that can transform your life.

7. Challenge your perspective

Read books and articles you’ve never considered before. Listen to podcasts with exciting topics. Approach new ideas with an open mind. Decide how these things fit within your worldview. You will have gained a fresh perspective on the world no matter what.

Don’t forget your mental health

Pursuing your goals can be taxing, so make sure to check in with yourself. Look for signs of anxiety or depression. These are common conditions in people who are overworked and need to take steps to recover from burnout.

You may think that sacrificing your health and well-being shows how committed you are to your goals. If you are pushing too hard, you actually become less effective. And remember why you are pursuing these goals.

The bottom line

Popular culture often paints a distorted picture of success. It shows us large houses, fancy cars, and expensive jewelry. But the truth is much simpler: success in many areas of life is what makes you happy. With these success tips, you’re well on your way.

Find out what moves you, and go from there — and remember, BetterUp can help you along the way. You won’t regret prioritizing your success and happiness.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Learn how to leverage your natural strengths to determine your next steps and meet your goals faster.

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Learn how to leverage your natural strengths to determine your next steps and meet your goals faster.

Professional Development

Published April 4, 2022

29 Success Tips to Accomplish Your Goals And Define Your Own Path (2024)


How can I be successful in achieving my goals? ›

Seven simple steps to achieving your goals
  1. Write down your goal.
  2. Set a deadline.
  3. Work on your mindset.
  4. Develop your skillset.
  5. Take the first step.
  6. Continue to completion.
  7. Reward yourself.

What are 5 ways to be successful? ›

5 tips for your success
  • Go the extra mile. The bigger your goals are, the more time and energy you have to invest in achieving them. ...
  • Lifelong learning. ...
  • Focus your challenges. ...
  • Prioritize your health. ...
  • Get out of your comfort zone.

What are the tips to success? ›

10 Tips To Become Successful and Achieve Your Life Goals
  • Be committed. Through commitment, you can gain motivation to pursue success. ...
  • Learn from the journey. ...
  • Have fun along the way. ...
  • Think positively. ...
  • Change your perspective. ...
  • Be honest with yourself. ...
  • Take away distractions. ...
  • Count on yourself.
Aug 15, 2024

How do you succeed successfully? ›

How to Be Successful in Reaching Your Goals
  1. Build a Growth Mindset.
  2. Improve Your Emotional Intelligence.
  3. Develop Mental Toughness.
  4. Strengthen Your Willpower.
  5. Focus on Intrinsic Motivations.
  6. Set Achievable Goals.
  7. Nurture Traits Linked to High Potential.
  8. Cultivate Strong Social Support.
Feb 22, 2024

What are 5 goals for success? ›

  • 5 Career Goal Areas to Concentrate On.
  • Grow in Your Role. If you do nothing more than keep up the same routine at work without growing, you are limiting your potential. ...
  • Build Your Network. ...
  • Develop Good Work-Life Balance. ...
  • Find Your Joy on the Job. ...
  • Look for the Next Opportunity.

What are the 7 things to success? ›

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®
  • Habit 1: Be Proactive® ...
  • Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind® ...
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First® ...
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win® ...
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® ...
  • Habit 6: Synergize® ...
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®

What are the 7 keys to life success? ›

The Keys To Success
  • Wisdom.
  • Integrity.
  • Work Ethic.
  • Purpose.
  • Gratitude.
  • Consistency.
  • Resilience.
May 4, 2020

What are the 7 rules of success? ›

  • Believing that anything is possible. Successful people believe that anything is possible, as long as they work hard enough. ...
  • There is no such thing as failure. Failure is not an option. ...
  • It's in your hands. ...
  • You don't have to understand everything. ...
  • Appreciate. ...
  • Enjoy what you do. ...
  • Commitment is key.
May 23, 2024

What are the 7 steps to success? ›

Seven Steps for Success
  • Read something that inspires you. ...
  • Write down what you are grateful for. ...
  • Read what you are grateful for out loud. ...
  • Visualize reaching your goals. ...
  • Follow your intuition throughout the day. ...
  • Celebrate your successes. ...
  • Let go of what's holding you back.

What is the biggest key to success? ›

10 key factors to success
  • Acquiring relevant education and skills. ...
  • Cultivating good habits. ...
  • Having a positive attitude. ...
  • Learning from your mistakes. ...
  • Being open to new things. ...
  • Taking risks. ...
  • Working hard. There can be no substitute for hard work. ...
  • Always being prepared. Preparation is crucial to achieving success.
Jun 21, 2024

What are the 10 steps to success in life? ›

10 Steps to Help You Become Successful
  • Set a Goal. Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve is crucial. ...
  • Start Planning. Once your goal is set, you need to formulate a plan to reach it. ...
  • Work Hard. Hard work is a given. ...
  • Prioritize Your Goal. ...
  • Don't Lose Focus. ...
  • Upgrade Your Skills. ...
  • Start Networking. ...
  • Fix Your Mistakes.
Jan 16, 2024

How to succeed myself? ›

Adopting a growth mindset
  1. Reflect. Self-awareness helps one understand their strengths and weaknesses, which one can then work on improving and developing.
  2. Learn something new. ...
  3. Get feedback from others. ...
  4. Allow yourself to make mistakes. ...
  5. Challenge yourself.
Feb 3, 2023

What are the keys 5 to success? ›

The 5 Key to success
  • Confidence. Confidence requires that young people not be overly concerned with what others think if they make a mistake. ...
  • Persistence. ...
  • Organisation. ...
  • Getting Along. ...
  • Emotional Resilience.

What are examples of success? ›

Examples of successes

Earning a significant salary or attaining financial security. Holding a high-level position or important job title. Being selected for a promotion. Having the financial means to give back to others and your community.

How can I achieve my goals in life? ›

  1. Decide. Think of something you want to do or work towards. ...
  2. Write it down. Carefully. ...
  3. Tell someone. Telling someone we know about our goals also seems to increase the likelihood that we will stick at them.
  4. Break your goal down. This is especially important for big goals. ...
  5. Plan your first step. ...
  6. Keep going. ...
  7. Celebrate.

What is the key to success in setting and achieving goals? ›

Write Down Your Goals

Writing your goals out has been a scientifically proven method for increased goal achievement. Many studies have found that those who write down their goals have a higher success rate than those who don't. Start each goal with “I will” and use positive language to encourage action and motivation.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.